Saturday, January 5, 2013

2 New Things I Hope to Learn This Year: Playing the Guitar and Learning La Lengua Española

Been playing with my new toy, my guitar, since I got it a couple of days ago. I bought it from an office mate who sold it to me for only Php500. I don't know any guitar chord yet other than the two I learned to play Michael Frank's "Lady Wants To Know" a few years back. I was still in high school then. So right now I'm concentrating on hurting my fingers by making them get used to tapping the strings. They'll eventually have calluses, which is a signal that I can already start learning the chords while making sure I produce the sounds clearly when I strum the guitar. 

I just had my nails done and I love how they look like now so I'm still I'm only using the thumb on my right hand to strum.

Also, I've been trying to learn Spanish and I'm loving it so far. The website has clips that are really helpful. Here are a few everyday phrases I have learned, so far:

It annoys me- Me molesta
I don't mind- no me importa
It gets on my nerves- Me saca se quicio
I don't know- No lo se
It's not worth it- no merece la pena
Maybe- quizas
Can i help you?- Le puedo ayudar?
It's all the same to me- A mi me da igual
No idea- No tengo no idea
Don't worry- No te preocupes
It depends- Depende
What's the point?- Para qué?
Poor thing- El pobre
Just coming- Ya voy
Darling- Cariño
By the way- A proposito
What shall i do?- Que voy a hacer?
So much the better- Tanto mejor
Too bad- Mala suerte

I'm enjoying learning these two, so far. Hopefully my interest in learning them won't fade after a few weeks.